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RPG Classic OT maps remindot.hopto.org
Uptime: 99.45%
Port: 7171
Players: 3 / 200
Launch    using Tibia Loader

There are 20393 players online on 469 servers
Last Update: April 29, 2024, 12:28 pm

We have 547 servers in our database
Current Time: April 29, 2024, 12:28 pm

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Players: 2 / 1000
Points: 144
Monsters: 31479
NPCs: 367
Uptime: 99.85%
Peak Record: 38 players online on November 11, 2020, 5:10 pm CET

In the last 30 days:
14 players online on April 14, 2024, 5:49 pm CET

Server: Sharp # Team Engine 4.20
Owner: Sharp # Team
Added: May 25, 2020, 11:08 pm CET
Updated: 4 min. ago

Server description


Welcome to the world of PokeXGames, a new and unique place created by the enormous power. You're standing in front of your destiny. As a trainer, teach your pokemons how to fight, capture new species of creatures, form your own guild and lead your friends to fight. Explore our amazing world and in the end, find your life purpose.

Home page: https://PokeXGames.pl/


Witajcie w ?wiecie PokeXGames, ca?kowicie nowym i unikalnym miejscu utworzonym przed nadludzkie si?y. W ko?cu masz szanse dope?ni? swojego przeznaczenia. Jako trener ucz swoje pokemony walki. Podczas swojej podró?y, chwytaj nowe gatunki kreatur, utwórz w?asn? gildie i poprowad? swoich ludzi do walki o lepszy ?wiat. Przemierzaj?c ten niezwyk?y ?wiat, odnajd? w ko?cu swój ?yciowy cel.

Strona g?ówna: https://PokeXGames.pl/

Pokemon OTS


Bem vindo ao mundo de PokeXGames, um novo e unico local criado por um enorme poder. Voc? está de pé em frente ao seu destino. Como um treinador, ensine aos seus pokemons como batalhar, capture novas especies de criaturas, forme sua própria guilda e lidere seus amigos para a batalha.
Explore nosso incrível mundo e no final ache o propósito de sua vida.

Página inicial: https://PokeXGames.pl/