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Global Open 9 outubr sv.hefesto-server.com.br
Uptime: 85.87%
Port: 7171
Players: 0 / 2000
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Last Update: October 12, 2024, 1:58 pm

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Current Time: October 12, 2024, 1:58 pm

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saiyansreturn.com Return of the Saiyans is an MMORPG that takes you into a world inspired by the Dragon Ball anime. Choose your favorite character and embark on a PvE adventure. If you have the courage, engage in epic PvP battles during events and in the open world wars. Starts in:

* Ip Server Name Players / Max Uptime Pts EXP * *
poland Otservgo.cyleria.pl3X EXP EVENT870 (1124) / 200099.44%267x300PVP[ 8.6 ]
poland Otservlogin.gunzodus.net6 YEARS UP-NO RESET665 (975) / 200099.68%261x15PVP[ 14.0 ]
poland Otservrexia.plNO RESETS - HIGH EVO234 (669) / 150099.93%240x9999FUN[ 8.6 ]
poland Otservsandots.euEVO PVP START NOW227 (735) / 90099.76%239x999PVP[ 8.6 ]
poland Otservsrv.treasura.online8.0 Rl Map x1239 (884) / 150098.8%193x1PVP[ 8.0 ]
poland Otservalastera.comHIGH EXP EVO - 6Y ON130 (183) / 100099.81%191x1500PVP[ 8.6 ]
poland Otservnext-stage.plReal and Custom78 (227) / 100099.69%180x60PVP[ 13.2 ]
poland Otservtibiaidle.comAuto hunt in browser29 (161) / 200098.29%177x1PVP[ 8.0 ]
poland Otservplay.iglaots.netIglaOTS 30th August491 (1009) / 200098.65%173x4PVP[ 13.3 ]
poland Otservs1.chillera.netRL 13 NO WIPE NO BOT44 (240) / 200099.06%168x15PVP[ 13.2 ]
poland Otservarmia.toproste.plApo 7.626 (409) / 80099.21%167x5PVP[ 7.6 ]
poland Otserveloria.plGLOBAL-TELEPORTS-EVO59 (100) / 200099.47%167x500PVP[ 13.3 ]
poland Otservlogin.ixodus.netRL 13 NO BOT ALLOWED22 (1421) / 200097.19%165x60PVP[ 13.3 ]
poland Otservvestia.plMOUNTS ON 8.621 (897) / 98099.06%162x300PVP[ 8.6 ]
poland Otservplay.dajkan.comNo-Pvp RL map Tasks37 (100) / 50098.73%161x50nPVP[ 13.2 ]
poland Otservronots.comRonOTS - Liguria45 (98) / 50098.58%161x200PVP[ n/a ]
poland Otservno-grind-ots.plNo Grind RL Rotten B50 (74) / 200099.39%156x20nPVP[ 13.3 ]
poland Otservpermenia.netBEST PVP SERVER16 (243) / 33398.05%154x25PVP[ 7.92 ]
poland Otservpandemiaots.plPandemia RPG 8.60 (291) / 99998.22%152x3PVP[ 8.6 ]
poland Otservrealots.plRealOTS 8.6 NO RESET16 (63) / 99999.91%151x2PVP[ 8.6 ]
poland Otservevorium.com.plEVO MOUNTS REBORNS26 (68) / 100098.44%151x800PVP[ 8.6 ]
poland Otservfree.ramonia.netRamonia Custom Map26 (130) / 200099.43%149x5PVPe[ 7.6 ]
poland Otservrookgaard.plRookgaard - Fixera4 (57) / 100099.44%148x10PVP[ 8.6 ]
poland Otservmoon-dbworld.plD.B World Moon7 (107) / 33396.7%148x30PVP[ 7.92 ]
poland Otservviperia.zapto.orgNew harder edition20 (39) / 10099.52%147x15PVP[ 7.6 ]
poland Otservs2.chillera.netRL 13 NO WIPE NO BOT0 (206) / 200099.29%146x5PVP[ 13.2 ]
poland Otservrezoria.eu10 AUGUST - START3 (269) / 100099.44%146x180PVP[ 8.6 ]
poland Otservevotron.usExtreme Evo RPG PORN3 (51) / 200097.5%144x170PVPe[ n/a ]
poland Otservtibia-fun.plTIBIAFUN CUSTOM0 (145) / 20095.05%144x5PVP[ 7.6 ]
poland Otservneravia.euANTY-BOT CUSTOM MAP1 (56) / 100089.03%143x10PVP[ n/a ]
poland Otservrookgaard.plRookgaard - Xyla0 (16) / 100099.81%141x3PVP[ 10.98 ]
poland Otservronots.com5.4.2024 START17 (119) / 50099.79%141x20PVP[ n/a ]
poland Otservxamash.netXamash 7.40 (11) / 10099.19%138x5PVP[ 7.4 ]
poland Otservlogin.tibiafun.onlineStart 01-11-202414 (97) / 100098.45%138x5PVP[ 7.6 ]
poland Otservwolfblade.euRl map custom script2 (125) / 200099.58%132x10PVP[ 13.3 ]
poland Otservdragonia.onlineReal Map Opylan Edit0 (21) / 200094.1%130x50PVP[ 8.6 ]
poland Otservtibia.nadinwins.plNadinOTS6 (124) / 200099.59%120x1PVP[ 13.3 ]
poland Otservbaxpia.plFUN FOR ALL106 (137) / 50099.93%118x9999PVP[ 8.6 ]
poland Otserverrorots.euERROROTS1 (131) / 100099.88%117x10PVP[ 7.7 ]
poland Otservenforium.plCustom EVO0 (110) / 100099.4%116x300PVPe[ 8.0 ]
poland Otservplay.offseason.iglaots.netIglaOTS Offseason25 (51) / 200099.42%115x3PVP[ 13.3 ]
poland Otservelysii.plelysii0 (5) / 20092.02%113x1PVP[ 7.7 ]
poland Otserv51.195.6.16Mythica Eu 20Sep 7PM87 (159) / 100098.76%109x10PVP[ 8.6 ]
poland Otservpokeheaven.plPokeHeaven10 (39) / 10099.59%95x20PVP[ n/a ]
poland Otservasyria.orgStart l06l09l2024l9 (19) / 10099.91%90x10PVP[ 8.1 ]
poland Otservtibiafun3.plTibiaFun3 - LongTerm1 (4) / 30095.98%87x10PVP[ 7.6 ]
poland Otservalebania.com.plAlebania 06-099 (21) / 100099.9%87x10PVP[ 8.6 ]
poland Otservchaos.servegame.comThais War FULL F2P0 (3) / 200099.82%86x200PVPe[ 8.6 ]
poland Otserv54.37.232.52Testy nowego servera0 (2) / 2000100%83x100PVP[ 8.6 ]
poland Otservvisit.otuniverse.comEVO FIRST EDITION 1310 (17) / 100093.8%73x999PVP[ 13.2 ]